Our pricing plan made simple

Get access to +200k job offers, an email alert system and a search system based on moving around a map



If you're new or just need the basics, this plan is a great way.

  • Jobs Map access
  • View remote job offers
  • Use basic text filter
3.99 / monthly


Full access to job search tools. Most people start here.

  • All features on FREE plan
  • Use all advanced filters
19.99 / monthly


The ideal plan for those who want to keep up with all the job offers.

  • All features on BASIC plan
  • Email alerts for saved searches

Still not convinced? Start with a 6 months FREE trial !!!

For a limited time, all users who sign up will get the BASIC plan for free during the first 6 months.

Start a free demo

All subscriptions plan include these powerfull features

We add new tools and features regularly.

Access to our search map

Make the most of our map to find jobs near your location quickly and easily.

Access to indexed job offers

Every day we are indexing new job offers, and updating existing job offers from several different job portals.

Remote jobs

We are indexing and evaluating existing jobs to detect which ones can be done remotely, so that you can find them easily.

New features released regularly

Our development cycle is fast. We frequently update existing tools and release updates — heavily influenced by requests from our customers.

Frequently asked questions

Here’s what you need to know about MyNearJobs, based on the questions we get asked the most.

No, the payment is semi-annual. You pay six months every time.

As it is very low cost, making monthly micropayments is not viable at present. We cannot make monthly collections because the payment gateway fees would take too much of our margin.

No, we do not sell subscriptions. You pay to have access to the platform for 6 months. After those 6 months, you can pay manually again to get access for 6 more months.

We avoid recurring subscription payments because we expect you to have found a job within 6 months. There are many people who forget to unsubscribe from unused subscription services, and we don't want that to happen to you.

By not renewing your access, your user does not have permission to access the functionalities.

When you log in to our web platform you will be kindly reminded that if you want to continue using the features ... you will have to pay again.

We do not sell a recurring subscription. There's nothing you have to cancel.

Our product is "6-month access". It's a pack with a closed price.

If you find a job in the first month, we don't refund the money for the remaining five months.

We accept all major credit cards.